Sunday 4 September 2011

Hermes Sues Company Thursday Friday For Replicating Birkins On Their Totes

Well it appears Hermes are not best pleased with the LA canvas tote screening eco friendly company putting their image on their bags and are suing them.

It is no secret that Delortae Agency is committed to brand protection, designers copyright and trademark infringement. Our Authentication Service is recommended by Major Brand Houses, PayPal, law enforcement, Trading Standards, Office of Fair Trading, small claim courts, respected auction houses, insurance and credit card companies. 

The law suit filed in the courts, accuse Thursday Friday by Hermes "Thursday Friday is 'riding on their reputation' and 'confusing, misleading, and deceiving the public.'"

Hermes argued that their trademark was being infringed by showing the loop and the padlock and how the design hanging off one handle is their signature trademark (more than that but this is the layman's version)

Thursday Friday however felt that the bag is cotton and not really a 'working' model basically nothing had been infringed (again, layman's version of events).

The court appeared to agree with Hermes stating 'complaint adequately alleges a legally sufficient claim for relief'.on this one and both parties have agreed to settle.

They do not appear to have learnt their lesson if this is anything to go by, What They Did Next

Well as a real Hermes is costing from £5,000 and a Thursday Friday tote is around £35 I have to think that is there a real possibility of me getting confused spending £35 and believing I have an authentic Hermes Birkin, me thinks not!

1 comment:

  1. You may not be confused - but you ARE more likely to purchase the product because it LOOKS good. And that look has been stolen. So you are then supporting theft!!
